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People have become very attached to their celluar service but it's not a right but rather a priviledge. If BART owns the celluar service in the terminals then they can turn it off whenever they want to. I'm not saying that BART turning it off like they did doesn't make me uncomfortable because it does draw the comparison to what's going in the Middle East.

At the end of the day BART is a business providing a service to their customers. If they chose to suspend some part of that service, whether it's the celluar or closing a terminal or reducing the number of trains, that's up to them.


People think of cost incurring privileges as "rights" which is not surprising given the entitlement mentality of so much of the cell phone generation.

John Schmidt

Cynthia, it's not that simple. Federal law prohibits various bodies (including governmental ones) from interfering with emergency (911) services; this is why schools (which are governmental) cannot block cell service to eliminate texting during class. But BART is a governmental body, and case law as Lucius notes applies...
Bart blew it by how they applied their methods. The better method would have been to apologize for the service outage due to the overloading on the system.

But the "Anonymous" group was very wrong to hack and publish public information.

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