Bronson is the canine equivalent of the Energizer Bunny. His guardian usually begins her day with a run of 5 miles or more before joining our group at the dog park. Bronson accompanies her but you would never know it from the way he acts. He hits the gate running, often with all four feet off the ground, and takes on the biggest dogs with impunity. He doesn't stop until his leash is on for the walk home.
What makes this so much fun is that Bronson is a Corgi and has legs that are shorter than just about any of the other dogs. He stands about 10 inches high. His legs and height are distinct disadvantages when he's running with the big dogs. But Bronson never let's that stop him. He comes from Welsh herding stock and uses his speed and cornering ability to compensate.
All too often, we let disadvantages serve as an excuse for not taking action. There's never enough time, you don't have the budget, you're compatriots are unreliable or not doing their fair share. There are always excuses for inaction.
But there are always ways to overcome disadvantages as well. It is challenge that makes us seek creative solutions, not avoidance. These ways may require more thought and more work but they may lead to success, something that will definitely not happen if your do nothing. Besides, if it was easy, everyone would be doing it and you wouldn't be needed.
So take a lesson from Bronson the Incorrigible Corgi. Ignore your disadvantages, be nimble and fast, and seek alternative solutions.